sambil-sambil layan buat esaiment, layan dengar lagu
sekali random hah keluar lagu nih
cik fadz macam touching lak dengan lirik dia
gilak betoi
tengah-tengah cuaca panas nie bley lak nak touching
(eh kejap apa kaitan panas dengan touching lak hah. tak faham sehh)
jom check lirik dia
mana nak tau sama kot ada yang pi kait dengan life dia kan
bak kata kawan cik fadz,
"nie takda lain kalau nak touching hah. asal tengok movie touching. asal dengar lagu touching. sajalah tue sambil-sambil tengok, sambil-sambil dengar, pi kait dengan kisah hidup sendiri kan? drama betollah kamu nie dear"
nah amek sebijik kena kat muka
speechless teruslah time tue
jom layan lirik bawah nie
susah payah taip sambil tengok video translate lagu nie hah
layan nah
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I was going to embrace your shoulders because you were crying
But I just put my hand down
Because I'm a friend, a friend, a friend
I'm just a good friend to you
I want to go to that guy who is hurting you and punch him but
I can't, I can't I can't
Anyway, I can't be anything more than just a friend
* I want to suddenly hug you, kiss you on the lips
Comfort you, who would be surprised
And be the one who will make you happy
I want to tell you these things but I only clench my fist
Eventually, I can't say those words
Like a coward, I make an excuse for my heart - we're just friends
Because I'm afraid of your obvious rejection
Because we might not be able to even be friends
I love you, I love you, I love you
I hide those words that I want to tell you
* repeat
If I wait one more day, I wonder if you will look at me
Every time I see you crying
I get so mad that my heart feels like it will burst and cry
Although I hurt as much as you hurt
Although I swallow my tears
I can't go a step closer to you
I deceive my heart saying that we're just friends
And like a fool, I just cry inside
And on the outside, pretending to be a good person,
I just say, we're friends
~Lee Seung Gi - Because We're Friend~
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